amatt Wunderlich old: Spaghetti Carbonara ?
amatt Wunderlich old: late evening
amatt Wunderlich old: the miracle we hope for is not always the miracle we receive
amatt Wunderlich old: Grumpy Daddy ツ
amatt Wunderlich old: good morning I'm possible
amatt Wunderlich old: True Power Does Not Crush Others
amatt Wunderlich old: Things are never so bad they can't be made worse.
amatt Wunderlich old: night @ club peak
amatt Wunderlich old: Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower.
amatt Wunderlich old: lights @ nuit
amatt Wunderlich old: you don't like hats ?
amatt Wunderlich old: See you soon
amatt Wunderlich old: spring is the time of plans and projects
amatt Wunderlich old: Gyazo @ The Chamber Society (v2)
amatt Wunderlich old: ...That's why I'm here...
amatt Wunderlich old: I have so much to say but you're so far away
amatt Wunderlich old: We are visual creatures. Visual things stay put, whereas sounds fade.