xtine23: sunprints cyanotype on yellow
xtine23: untitled,16'x32' c-prints
xtine23: crystalline-
xtine23: crystalline
xtine23: salton sea
xtine23: lithograph made at Tamarind
xtine23: lava bowl
xtine23: searles lake
xtine23: sea vents and the star moon, 2009
xtine23: gps_exhibiton
xtine23: Wonder Lands
xtine23: joshua tree
xtine23: Caverns Are Moving
xtine23: artist book for sale!
xtine23: samana
xtine23: bye bye miami
xtine23: boat
xtine23: crabshell
xtine23: happy new year!
xtine23: cypress trees
xtine23: eames gingerbread house
xtine23: eames gingerbread house
xtine23: halfpint
xtine23: landscape
xtine23: lichen
xtine23: mussels
xtine23: rocks
xtine23: lichen
xtine23: mussell
xtine23: flower