Little Doodles: Everyone clap, for I am Uncle Karl...
owlandthegrapes: Erin Marshall
owlandthegrapes: Erin Marshall
streetgeist: Kirsten
SL05 trenza maría: Guardo el color de un ocaso en verano. Dans les ateliers Jean-Paul Gaultier by James Bort
boboniaa: Deer Biker
boboniaa: Typo Portrait
boboniaa: Nautical December
Little Doodles: Snow day outfit (dream version)
perfectbound: the cup and saucer collection
perfectbound: season's greetings
GreggBK: Kalle
Kiem Tang: ••• Another face
Jodi_C: "Alice"
rockymountainroz: Are these for me? 88/365
perfectbound: collections } saucers
rockymountainroz: Her tough side!
retro_duck: Why does everybody call me "Big Eyes On Fire"?
makiyooo27: welcome winter
Jodi_C: Annabel is already dressed for the Adelaide meet next week
J*me: Sacré Bleu!
rockymountainroz: Wild Thing, You Make My Heart Sing!