nick findley: @daneallday
ammontorrence: 3_of_Us
ammontorrence: IMG_1736
ammontorrence: IMG_1761
ammontorrence: IMG_1776
nick findley: Sissy will just trim her own nails. Thanks.
awieme1: Nas
fawnpotter: Farfeild
manzanita-pct: Green Surf Anemone (Anthopleura xanthogrammica)
Bryan Werner: Mississippi River Overlook
Bryan Werner: Gateway Arch #41/Set
macone2: Winters last gasp
Bryan Werner: Cold Foot
macone2: Ketch at sunset
jazz-mobile: 8 REDHAT
anniemack: the attack
anniemack: the approach
anniemack: looking up the hill
Three D Photography: Fall Bridge
blairware: stripped
Coastlander: Lichen Grasshopper
Coastlander: The red curtain falls.
danjdavis: Walkway to Front Entrance to Old Main, University of Arkansas
macone2: Portal
iansand: Snowgum at Thredbo