Lorenzo Carnevali: Piovono rane
_N_X_: Perspective automnale
Lorenzo Carnevali: Fine estate
Frelu: Substance:Dub2
Marcel Cavelti: Crestasee Panorama
Federica Corbelli: Turned back upon the past 2
Federica Corbelli: Ubiquitous day
Federica Corbelli: Aged rides
Federica Corbelli: Amusements -1
Federica Corbelli: Suddenly abandoned
Federica Corbelli: Tripping the light fantastic
Federica Corbelli: Sun and steel
Federica Corbelli: Suddenly abandoned - 2
Frelu: Rullino foto-597
annalisagrazia: Where eagles dare
Bobocinema: Mirrors - The Ghosts of Francesca Woodman 1
Bobocinema: Ship of Fools - The Ghosts of Francesca Woodman 8
Bobocinema: Dancing in the Dark - The Ghosts of Francesca Woodman 19
Bobocinema: The Cry - The Ghosts of Francesca Woodman 22
Bobocinema: The Lost Innocence - The Ghosts of Francesca Woodman 29
annalisagrazia: Segni d'affetto
Frelu: Rullino foto-780
Frelu: Gianniminimoto