JorunT: _A159933.jpg Plumbago auriculata
tomsi42: 171002-131418-E-M5
tomsi42: 171005-144223-E-M5
JorunT: _9083272 Bumble bee on Alcea rosea .jpg
Trey Ratcliff: New Instagram Photo
fotoalf: 20160715_Ifjord_familie (13 of 13)
Espen Bibow: DSCF3476.jpg
Vår Sol: untitled
Vår Sol: untitled-4
Grete Hope: View 80
JorunT: _1250426-Edit Sparmannia africana .jpg
fotoalf: AlfSollund-7-The fords of Norway - 6
Trey Ratcliff: The Volcanoes In Bali From Above
Grete Hope: Dance and scream
tomsi42: D1240553
fotoalf: 20160114_Kattfj_Kval_BW-22
fotoalf: And_then_there_was_one_birch
tomsi42: D1020242
tomsi42: 151206-161209-E-M5
tomsi42: 151217-192213-DMC-GX1
fotoalf: L1106244
Espen Bibow: DSCF1625.jpg
Bharfot: Edderkoppnett på naust
tomsi42: 150517-175039-E-M5
Espen Bibow: DSCF3211.jpg
fotoalf: X1-1100629
tomsi42: E-M5-20150322-170335
Geir Ertzgaard: Mean Mr. Simmons
Vår Sol: IMG_9765
JorunT: _Z100367-Edit Leucojum vernum.jpg