xmacex: Vibes 〰〰〰. Reading mathematical concepts of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
xmacex: Mathieu and others from Sciences Po médialab developer team presenting performance measures after a week of Hyphe programming retreat at AAU TANT-Lab
xmacex: You organize a voyage to the end of the world, and naturally you take some nice furries inboard 😊. #uncertainarchives #vestindien
xmacex: Orit Halpern presenting a narrative of the "demo", evoking in me strong sensations of sympathy and gratitude for those before us and their excitement about ideas, change, learning, art, future, possibilities and interventions. "The Smart Mandate: Infrastr
xmacex: Birkan Taş talking about narrative life of data, starting with the case of #ItGetsBetter. "Cripping Time: A Hopeful Endeavour". #data #statistics #uncertainarchives
xmacex: Some outrageously unnecessary, and popular story of software, particularly #AI catches your attention. You trace the references and read the original paper "Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning in Sequential Social Dilemmas" (https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.0303
xmacex: Saw a fresh and succulent rat too, but this leathery guy wins the #bestcarcass this weekend. 🐸😞
xmacex: Local Penny Farthing club enjoying the day. #fixedgear #pennyfarthing #bicycling
xmacex: Good things 😚. #syntheveryday #synthesizing #park #copenhagen #spring #lunch #magpies #teenageengineering #po16 #chillax
xmacex: David Reizte, Executive Director of #LIGO talking about black hole collisions, gravitational waves, and observing them at #ScienceAndCocktails
xmacex: Sketching our study about how software arrives. Currently tracing a couple of imag(inari)es. #ai #rhetorics #software #culturalstudies #softwarestudies
xmacex: 130km ride, a day well spent 🚲. Thanks Rasmus and nice to see you Andrea! Now a couple of nice, squished import semlor to recover 😘
xmacex: #ScienceAndCocktails with Toby Walsh: "Are all your worries about #AI wrong?" starting soon. The answer by the way is "yes"
xmacex: Reading disclaimers of #academic #publishers, where they claim to have no stake in validity, correctness or basically anything. This madness needs to stop
xmacex: On this date: #fixedgear 10 years!!! I started with this d.i.y. flipflop mod, which I never flopped! #🚲
xmacex: Allowing myself to be overwhelmed by the debates, to get a grip of ICANN, the discourses and the issues. #ICANN58
xmacex: Found #Lego, outside #ICANN58. Enters my collection of geological specimen
xmacex: At the #DataAsRelation research project opening, Judith Simon saying useful things. #bigdata #ITUresearch
xmacex: Math close reading is a good way to start a #monday. Thanks Aalborg University Copenhagen TANTlab, and Mathieu Jacomy. #graphtheory #math #communitydetection
xmacex: Anybody else prefer to move the mouse cursor ↖ aside when not in use? #teleconferencing #ucph #kbhuni #media #materiality #hci #cscw
xmacex: Wed afternoon with @RufusPollock (@okfn) talking abt #opencontent, #openknowledge etc. at #UCph #DSSL. I don't need to be persuaded, but I'm to be in the choir
xmacex: Visiting #DomeOfVisions in #Aarhus, before walking on a hill. Thanks for good chats, ppl. #buckminsterfuller #architecture #hygge
xmacex: Nice review of cultural development models in Wimsatt+Griesemer 2007 #scaffolding #scaffoldingfunction #evolution #artifacts #reproduction #culturaltheory #dualinheritance #weismannism
xmacex: Engaged in experimental research methods 😂 #ITUresearch
xmacex: Oh shit stumbled across new books at the @uni_copenhagen #KUA library 📚😵. This is not a good time to get carried away! #ai #nonicethings #rhetorics
xmacex: Casual #MIDI ports at the Copenhagen city hall, embedded into the tables. Well, why not! 😊. At @un_archives conference #Error
xmacex: Richard Rogers (@richardrogers) from University of Amsterdam @DigitalMethods #digitalmethods #dmi #css #publicethos #ITUresearch #data #webasdata #socialscience
xmacex: Ruppert (Goldsmiths) and @un_archives looking for citizenship and political subject in #bigdata
xmacex: My whiteboard at the office gradually taking shape... #sensemaking #legacysoftware #lifeatitu #ituresearch @TiP_itu
xmacex: Top right corner missing on Android Chrome