shutterclick3x: Bus Stop 2
shutterclick3x: Midnight Blue
shutterclick3x: The Grid
~Craig~: “You live your life at the time you live it -- you don't have much of an overview when what's happening to you is still happening.”
Bruna Barioni: r we just ghosts out in the night?
Caamila L: Heaven and Earth have finally aligned | 183
alejandra baci: in transit
alejandra baci: alas negras
tizy boccia: branches-double exposure
Joel Robison: I Speak For The Trees
_IlariaB_: “Never forget that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, you recognized yourself as a friend.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert
Squeaky Shutterbug: Oak Island
Rita Eberle-Wessner: In the light
quenoteam: Evania appendigaster 10x