pbertner: Cranaid harvestman
hellomumu / Taiwan: 幽靈螳螂 Phyllocrania paradoxa
Dracorubio: The Four Elements || Teleidoscope
Sapna Reddy Photography: Dancing with the Stars (Explored)
ESPRIT CONFUS: companion of souls
johnhallmen: Cuddly Bees
Matthias Lenke: Honeybee / Honigbiene / Apis mellifera
pbertner: Mating blue glass frogs (Cochranella mache)
johnhallmen: Silver-spotted Skipper
HM Wildlife: Private Dancer
Kvejlend: vrtivka
Kvejlend: Mantis
Kvejlend: red damselfly
Olivier M Roland: Maldina and her spiderlings
Colin Hutton Photography: Thorn treehopper - Umbonia crassicornis
tsevis: Hugh Laurie: The House ...of pills (for TV Guide)
Carlos Del Pico (Carlitus91): Vespula germanica Queen
krister.hall: Allacma fusca 2011-09-12-22.43
Matthias Lenke: The Fog ...
Joe Ganster: Silhouette
Dracorubio: Spiderman
samebody: Stars
Michael Herb Photography: Day 208/365 - Hydration {Explored}