Jolynntech: DSCN1468
Jolynntech: Jamestown, NY 1
Jolynntech: Jamestown, NY 2
Jolynntech: Jamestown, NY 3
Jolynntech: Jamestown, NY 4
Jolynntech: Jamestown, NY 5
Jolynntech: Jamestown, NY 6
Jolynntech: Kaiden's first day of school, and I have him watching Adventure Time.
Jolynntech: Dis Megunz angrie phace!
Jolynntech: There is no army to feed! Just Megan & me!
Jolynntech: Holiday Inn - French Quarters
Jolynntech: Holiday Inn - French Quarters
Jolynntech: Holiday Inn - French Quarters
Jolynntech: Holiday Inn - French Quarters
Jolynntech: Holiday Inn - French Quarters
Jolynntech: Holiday Inn - French Quarters
Jolynntech: Holiday Inn - French Quarters
Jolynntech: Cleveland, OH greyhound station needs to get a clue... seating wouldn't be so tight if they'd fill that floor.
Jolynntech: They are going to save her life. I just know it.
Jolynntech: On our way to Buffalo. The roads are 100% clear.
Jolynntech: This is what happens when I decorate cookies...
Jolynntech: When I grow up I wanna have boobies!
Jolynntech: 2 a.m. noms! The best kind of course!
Jolynntech: Eli's xbox has finally arrived. I replaced her broken one for christmas.
Jolynntech: first picplz post, ever.
Jolynntech: DSC_0479
Jolynntech: DSC_0477
Jolynntech: DSC_0474
Jolynntech: DSC_0470
Jolynntech: DSC_0467