Plin_: Nothing like coming home to a giant bouquet of gorgeous roses.
Plin_: A boy and his kitty
carriembecker: The Living Room, 2011, Carrie M. Becker
Laurie Lee: Our Beach
Plin_: Space Age
Plin_: Me for tea
Pepspix: 335-365 GRAVEL EYES
WayneWho?: Decisions, decisions
Laurie Lee: GreyKitty
doublebug: Dogs on a hot tin roof
Laurie Lee: Old Furnace 8
Laurie Lee: IKEA Mirrors
Laurie Lee: 08 Front Across Tree
In Memoriam: Catherine Jamieson: Reading In The Park
Laurie Lee: Sam Sun 3
Mellicious: my dad's puppy
Chris Dierdorff: Princess Margaret
boncey: Dreamspace
luciano!: What I feel in some period
jadziajadzia: let me out/help me/drown