Oscar Cheng: 2011.03.18
lcy: Macau's vanishing shops - Hardware store (used to be)
Eric Lafforgue: Mother and baby elephants - Kenya
alvinclsmy: Bali - Kuta beach
syiqin: The Planter's Bungalow
Choon Hong Yip: 風吹人老,曲惹人惱。
NPNG!: mr&mrs2_0061
calvin_y: IMG_0265-w
calvin_y: IMG_0196-w
calvin_y: _MG_1098-w A woman sitting on the stairs at Dubar Square - Bhaktapur
calvin_y: _MG_0305-w Color of Nepal
calvin_y: IMG_1693-w jpg
sengkit: F1000002s