Mikko Lagerstedt: New Night
Dylan Toh: Sharing the Watch
James Neeley: Magic at Convict
T Glow: borboleTa
Dylan Toh: Pools
Oldt1mer - Keith: Watching The Sunset
arambolito1: Plaza España Sevilla
Mikko Lagerstedt: Into the storm
Balakov: Presents
- POD -: At the Altar of L (12/52) (explored)
Lacku: Rainbows In The Dark
Mikko Lagerstedt: Night Time
T Glow: greenland
Mikko Lagerstedt: Kissing The Sky
Lauren Tierney: Tuggerah Lake
RomRueda: Malapascua's serene shoreline
Mikko Lagerstedt: Country Road II
SmallThingsIced: Will's Wall-E cake
Mikko Lagerstedt: Dark Night III
c-h-l (chapter closed, goodbye!): zollverein - leap in the dark (fp)
Dylan Toh: Sweeping