26characters: typography steel 2
austinevan: astrolabe parts
austinevan: Astrolabe, 18th century
Castles, Capes & Clones: The Colors of Mary Blair Exhibit at the Disney Gallery
lottielulu: I can Fly
Peregrine John: mary blair exhibit
Peregrine John: mary blair exhibit
Meanest Indian: Right On
Meanest Indian: Be Happy
Meanest Indian: Freshly Squeezed II
pilllpat (agence eureka): petite sirene p0
Roel Wijnants: Brievenbus
Wolfsraum: Berlin-Charlottenburg Rathaus , Jugendstil-Briefkasten
Frans Schmit: The Hague Jugendstil
Romano Lindhout: Jugendstil Tuschinsky
Alaskan Dude: Example of Jugendstil (German Art Nouveau design), Riga
JSDesign: thermos label
Ann Karlstedt: Quickplate King Rörstrand Sweden
pilllpat (agence eureka): n5 album lettres p13
pilllpat (agence eureka): n5 album lettres p12
amyehodge: Antique Red Cross Lock
DieselDucy: abloy antique padlock
DieselDucy: Best 2B56 logo padlock Lone star Gas Co.
DieselDucy: Imperial Padlock
DieselDucy: master 77
DieselDucy: Antique Adlake Padlock
DieselDucy: champion miller 6 lever lock brass