Xebeche72: The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills.😢✨ Ernest Hemingway. 365Project 22/365
Xebeche72: (..)”A wonderful summer on a solitary beach against the sea le Grand Hotel Cigar Magique” ✨ -Franco Battiato- 365Project 20/365
Xebeche72: Don’t worry, Bro. 🙏✨ 365Project 19/365
Xebeche72: “You said that I was transparent And easily forgotten. But why then did you try to use my lifetime, To prove to yourself who you are? “ (Michelle, from But i Am present) 🙏✨❤️ 365Project 18/365
Xebeche72: So far from Myself✨❤️
Xebeche72: “Non sono morto al freddo delle vostre città, ma su una grande pila d’ebano. E la mia Gente ha cantato e ballato, per quaranta notti..” (Stefano Benni) 365Project 16/365
Xebeche72: “Because I think maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there.” (Will Hunting, the movie) ✨🙏 365Project 15/365
Xebeche72: “Well i hope that i don’t fall in love with you, ‘cause falling in love just makes me blue..” ✨❤️🎶 (Tom Waits) 365Project 14/365
Xebeche72: “So today, i wrote a song for You..” (Alexi Murdoch) 365Project 13/365
Xebeche72: This is for all the unheard ✨✊❤️ (The Bouncing Souls) 365Project 12/365
Xebeche72: “No matter where we go.” 365Project 11/365
Xebeche72: "I'm going for a walk, not the after dinner kind, I'm gonna use my hands, and I'm gonna use my mind.." (Bad Religion, A Walk) 103/365 Photochallenge (20170413)
Xebeche72: Dancing with myself 99-365 Photochallenge (20170409)
Xebeche72: A Beautiful Day 98-365 Photochallenge (20170408)
Xebeche72: Good Vibrations 97-365 Photochallenge (20170407)
Xebeche72: If I am I simply because I am I, and you are you simply because you are you, then I am I and you are you. But if I am I because you are you, and if you are you because I am I, then I am not I and you are not you. R. Mendel 96-365 Photochallenge (20170406)
Xebeche72: Letters to a Young Poet (R.M.Rilke) 95-365 Photochallenge (20170405)
Xebeche72: Angel, remembering A. de Mello 94-365 Photochallenge (20170404)
Xebeche72: "Love, and do as you Please." - Saint Augustine 93-365 Photochallenge (20170403)
Xebeche72: Non smetteremo di esplorare. E alla fine di tutto il nostro andare ritorneremo al punto di partenza, per Conoscerlo per la prima volta. (T.S. Eliot) 92-365 Photochallenge (20170402)
Xebeche72: "And my head told my heart let Love grow.. but my heart told my head, this time no" (Winter Winds, Mumford & Sons) 91-365 Photochallenge (20170401)
Xebeche72: "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." (Richard Bach, Illusions). Quella che il bruco chiama la fine del mondo, il maestro la chiama una Farfalla. (Richard Bach, Illusioni) 90-365 Photochallenge (2017_0331)
Xebeche72: Every You, Every Me (Placebo) 89-365 Photochallenge (20170330)
Xebeche72: A blue community 87-365 Photochallenge
Xebeche72: My Zen Mountain 86-365 Photochallenge (20170327)
Xebeche72: Extraterrestre, portami Via.. (E. Finardi) 83-365 Photochallenge
Xebeche72: Vota Plasson, per una vita consapevole.
Xebeche72: Umbrella Park 82-365 Photochallenge (20170323)
Xebeche72: Friendly flames
Xebeche72: "Bisogna avere un Caos dentro di sè, per generare una stella danzante" - Friedrich Nietzsche 81-365 Photochallenge (20170322)