clhenrick: Text convos with spammers
clhenrick: Ephemeral cloud vibes at sunset
clhenrick: Second day in Kaua‘I with @hirapanna
clhenrick: Stoked about playing these really sweet drums that suddenly appeared in the music room of my office
clhenrick: Strawberry bounty score from the Grand Lake farmers market. Little over half a flat (8 baskets) for $20, slammin deal for organic berries that are normally $4 / basket. And they’re f-ing delicious
clhenrick: TFW you forget your phone doesn’t park your car
clhenrick: Just some vast grey skyline, buildings, and shit
clhenrick: Mountain biking legs today
clhenrick: Telling it like it is Grand Lake Theater
clhenrick: Road the bike up Tunnel Road just in time to catch the sunset over SF. Sometimes it’s just too freakin beautiful out here. #nofilter needed
clhenrick: Fog smells better then smoke
clhenrick: West Oakland what’s up
clhenrick: Very stoked about the @firehousebicycles mug I just got in the mail! Thanks @zamdaviz for sending it and for the note, super good to hear from you. Can’t believe it’s been 18 years!!!
clhenrick: Whole lotta smoke in the east bay from the #CampFire, not looking forward to heading home...
clhenrick: Palm trees and power lines #oakland
clhenrick: New job and all I got was this goofy propeller hat
clhenrick: Hey! You want that shifter jawn to be in R, not D, when pulling out of a parking spot, duh! And yes, that’s a Trek bicycle shop. #ohTheIrony
clhenrick: Got such a warm thank you note from our intern on her last day today. Guess I’m doing something right?!
clhenrick: Some fine signage on this beautiful humans property. And yes that’s a snowflake hanging inside a toilet seat.
clhenrick: Total Burner Bro
clhenrick: End of day swim / show / hangout #Portland
clhenrick: Oakland is the best, feel so lucky to be here sometimes
clhenrick: What I’m getting paid to do at work today...
clhenrick: Nice work Bruno
clhenrick: The sun as seen through the clouds today in Briones Regional Park #nofilter
clhenrick: Wow #eyeo2018 was so crazy awesome and inspiring and Minneapolis was fun and beautiful. Wish it wasn’t over!!!
clhenrick: Godspeed You Black Emperor! One of the best shows of 2018, so good.
clhenrick: The most coveted and elusive La Croix, according to some folks. Not sure what all the hype is about though TBH
clhenrick: Quit peeing in the trash room dude
clhenrick: This persons yard is off the hook! #BrooklynBaby