Matthieu Berroneau:
Leptopelis grandiceps
Matthieu Berroneau:
Rana dalmatina tadpole
Matthieu Berroneau:
Orchis bouc
Matthieu Berroneau:
Discoglosse peint Frog Discoglossus pictus
Matthieu Berroneau:
Mediterranean Painted Frog Discoglossus pictus
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Hartstongue (Asplenium scolopendrium), Hellebore, Black (Helleborus niger), Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), and Hemlock (Conium maculatum). The British flora medica...(1838)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Elm (Ulmus glabra), Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas), Water Figwort (Scrophularia umbrosa), and Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Hoary plantain, or lamb's tongue and perennial goosefoot. British flowering plants. By W. F. Kirby. (1906) Page 41
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Marsh Arum and lesser duckweed. British flowering plants. By W. F. Kirby. (1906) Page 56
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Dog's-tail grass and cock's-foot grass. British flowering plants. By W. F. Kirby. (1906) Page 61
Hart's-tongue Fern (Phyllitis scolopendrium)
pelayobotanica -
Carex pendula
Safia girl:
Dryopteris wallichiana
Carles Fontanella Oliveras:
Escurçó (Vipera aspis)
Eumenes subpomiformis ♀
Nico's wild bees & wasps:
Liotrogona sp.
Matthieu Berroneau:
Couleuvre verte et jaune
Matthieu Berroneau:
Pyrenean tadpoles
Carles Fontanella Oliveras:
Ophrys catalaunica x ophrys speculum
Nico's wild bees & wasps:
Lasioglossum morio
Carles Fontanella Oliveras:
Orchis cònica amb possible pol•linitzador
Carles Fontanella Oliveras:
Orchis conica
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center:
Farewell to Mimas
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 36 of "Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Metz" (1874)