xamad: M33 - the triangulum galaxy (again and better)
xamad: NGC891 (cropped)
xamad: Milkyway and Mars from the top of the Alps!
xamad: about 4000 light-years away... The Lagoon Nebula
xamad: La Nube di Rho Ophiuchi (LDN1688/1689 VDB104/105/108, IC4606) in Drizzle 2x
xamad: Antares et le cluster globulaire M4
xamad: À 460 années-lumière de nous, près de la queue du scorpion
xamad: far away... in the center of the Heart Nebula
xamad: NGC281 - la nebulosa Pacman
xamad: Giving colors to Sunflower :)
xamad: M33 - the Triangulum galaxy (mixed DSLR+ColdMos camera)
xamad: the Great Andromeda Galaxy from Corsica in LRGB
xamad: the ♥ Heart Nebula, IC1805 - Sharpless 2-190
xamad: Sh2-155 - Nebulosa Grotta
xamad: inside the Heart nebula (Melotte 15)
xamad: NGC7023 - the Iris Nebula
xamad: le Pleiadi e la cometa PanSTARRS C/2015ER61
xamad: IC1328, Sadr e la Nebulosa Crescent, dalle Alpi cuneesi!
xamad: the Great Wall of Cygnus (or Mexican Gulf) in NGC7000
xamad: IC5070 - the Pelican nebulae
xamad: IC1318/LDN889 - the Butterfly nebula
xamad: about 12 million light-years away ...
xamad: Supernova SN2017dfc in M63
xamad: The Whirlpool :) in drizzle 2x
xamad: meanwhile... 23 million light-years away...
xamad: circa 7 ore su Alnitak, IC434 e Barnard33 in Orione
xamad: primo quarto di Luna
xamad: Barnard 33 and friends :)
xamad: North America and the Pelican (NGC7000 and IC5070)
xamad: M45 - the Pleiades