wzmutineer: sunset sky at Waterrock Knob
wzmutineer: sunset at Waterrock Knob
wzmutineer: mountain viewpoint
wzmutineer: Blue Ridge Parkway viewpoint
wzmutineer: chipmunk
wzmutineer: Linville Falls
wzmutineer: Linville River
wzmutineer: sun through trees
wzmutineer: view from Grandfather Mountain
wzmutineer: South Carolina Monument
wzmutineer: eastern kingsnake
wzmutineer: path through monuments
wzmutineer: battle above the clouds
wzmutineer: inversion at Chattanooga battlefield
wzmutineer: oooooh yeah
wzmutineer: lazy 'roos
wzmutineer: sun bear loves his log
wzmutineer: behold….I am gorilla
wzmutineer: how YOU doin'
wzmutineer: sun's out, guns out
wzmutineer: whatever……sigh
wzmutineer: lions chilling
wzmutineer: A little friendly conversation
wzmutineer: parakeet
wzmutineer: fixing mah feathers
wzmutineer: parakeet eating (probably human flesh)
wzmutineer: the terrifying Boundless Budgies exhibit
wzmutineer: World of Coca-Cola
wzmutineer: A dainty little fellow, the whale shark
wzmutineer: Atlanta