In Memoriam: HJSP82: Bad-Hair-Day_MG_7741
MY NEW ACCOUNT IS: Noutyboy: Designed by the Sun
Niels J. Buus Madsen: crunchy dry rose
Jabi Artaraz: Ciervo macho
a.laruelle: Le Crambus des champs
guitarmate: DSCF2592
pgrizz: Hare running.
antoniourbanophotos: Bandadas de aves al atardecer. / Flock of birds at sunset.
Niels J. Buus Madsen: After an excursion by the sea
John William Hammond: Magic Light from Sky
Snuffy: Grilled Calamari, Ristorante Miky, Monterosso, Cinque Terre, Italy
Richard Pilon: Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate
John William Hammond: Matterhorn Sunset
John William Hammond: Summer Solstice Sky, LakeTahoe
FotoGrazio: Sunlit Butterfly Wings
Del Rosario: Espirografos
Del Rosario: Detalle Ermitaño
~ °Fay2603° ~: magnolia bud
♥siebe ©: Open Tulip
Mr. Happy Face - Peace :): Spring Time Rockies
~ °Fay2603° ~: Vogelmiere (Stellaria media)