Florida Tech Athletics:
Jul1,2015 078 Paper Wasp drinking on a bird bath travelng on the water like a Water Strider
Daryl L. Hunter - Hole Picture Photo Safaris:
Buck Mule Deer, Snowstorm
Perra DeL MaL:
Lagrimas de dolor
Mennonite Church USA Archives:
Masontown, PA Meetinghouse, circa 1923
Mennonite Church USA Archives:
Old Springhouse, Masontown, PA, circa 1923
Rexburg Historical Society:
#1769 Rigby Street
Kevin Coles:
Virginia State University vs Bowie State University
National Museum of Denmark:
Runestone by Harold Bluetooth
National Museum of Denmark:
Harold Bluetooths and Gorm the Olds rune stones
Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center 2013
Nordurljós/Northern lights/Aurora borealis
West Virginia waterfalls in a National Geographic Contest!