James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pratt Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pratt Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pratt Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pratt Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
WVU Tech Biology club at Morris creek
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release with Phil Pfister
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release with Phil Pfister
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release with WVU Tech volunteers
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release with Phil Pfister
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Teachers Trout release
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Ashton and LIly
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Bug picking
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Pinch Elementary Bug picking
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Students at Morris Creek Watershed 101
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Phil Pfister at Morris Creek Watershed 101
James and Deb's WVU Tech Photos:
Phil Pfister at Morris Creek Watershed 102