Stefano★: Il Pizzo Coca (3.050 m)
Parowan496: "Hey pal, I know you really want to be young at heart ..... but it's going to be hard as all of you is just so old."
Daniela Maka: Valmasino: Pizzo Badile & Pizzo Cengalo.
b.four: lac du Pontet (2)
Christian Hermann Fotografie: Schwellbrunn, Appenzellerland, Switzerland
arno18☮: Alpe Pesced
Fotomouse: 5091 Rehkitz in explore
corinna1411: Lasse in Südtirol (Lago di Braies)
francigb: Marmotta
unlimited inspirations: I love Finland
peyre christophe: prince des neiges
Anton - Thank you for over 9 million views: Lucy having fun in the snow.
PhiiiiiiiL: Iced Lagh da Saoseo
Polaris Snowmobiles ® 800 Switchback Assault (SnowCheck)
cantraxphoto: 2014 Arctic Cat ZR 8000 RR
Anton - Thank you for over 9 million views: Lucy - 6 months old australian shepherd.
morganamor: Razza alpina
Martin Ystenes - Riksheimdalen, Sykkylven
lutzmeyer: Andorra nature: Vall d'Incles
echumachenco: The Cabane d'Arpitettaz (or Ar Pitetta) in the Pennine (Wallis / Valais) Alps
Roberto Bombardieri: Flickr_From_Cima_Piazzi_4
PolarisFreeRide: Polaris-MY12_800-PRO-RMK-163_0440
fulvio.sceresini: il Bivacco Strambini dal Pian di Mezzo: è impossibile non individuarlo!
saxonfenken: Italian Dolomites Gardena Pass
JonM26: Edith Creek w/Rainier