Ema07: Sunshine shower at Meiji Temple
Ema07: Autumn Leaves!!
Ema07: Lego Shooting Star (Moving version)
Ema07: Lego Rocket shooting stars style
Ema07: To infinity and beyond!
Ema07: Looking at the fish
Ema07: Learning new language is always fun :)
Ema07: Tangled earphone
Ema07: Banzai!
Ema07: Hoshino Gen - Family Song (Album Cover)
Ema07: Hoshino Gen - Family Song (Album Cover Anatomy)
Ema07: Wall E
Ema07: Mini Me!
Ema07: Hikigatari (弾き語り)
Ema07: A Dog's Purpose
Ema07: The Sunshine
Ema07: Larry the barista after dropping off the laundry
Ema07: The Artist
Ema07: Yeeee haw!
Ema07: Sunbathing on the plane
Ema07: Kitty's first flight
Ema07: A guitar can take you everywhere
Ema07: Custom Lego Monthly Planner
Ema07: The workshop where i built the jetpack
Ema07: Young Frank Walker with Jetpack
Ema07: The Lab
Ema07: Hosier Lane!
Ema07: Running at the park
Ema07: Aye aye captain!