wrong.posture: Lumière dans face
wrong.posture: Desserts
wrong.posture: Fée des Étoiles
wrong.posture: something doesn't belong here
wrong.posture: early bday celebrations
wrong.posture: early bday celebrations
wrong.posture: les fêtées :)
wrong.posture: versioning
wrong.posture: Headshot
wrong.posture: coffee run
wrong.posture: in my natural habitat... !?!
wrong.posture: Mon frère
wrong.posture: Tire d'érable
wrong.posture: Cabane à sucre!
wrong.posture: High on sugar before 10am
wrong.posture: Drunk before 10am
wrong.posture: fake mojito
wrong.posture: I sometimes play hockey
wrong.posture: against these guys
wrong.posture: ... and they often kick my ass
wrong.posture: Spontaneous Celebrations: Taking it to the streets
wrong.posture: YYZ - waiting at the gate
wrong.posture: de-icing
wrong.posture: Air Wisconsin
wrong.posture: Leaving Philadelphia
wrong.posture: Experimental dairy farm
wrong.posture: First thing we did in Urbana-Champaign...
wrong.posture: great lakes
wrong.posture: fields & skies & waters
wrong.posture: September 88 - Age 4