Guy Schmickle: Flowing Sandstone
billoddie3: Jay. Garrulus Glandarius
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Little Bee-eater
Rob Melone: American Coot
David Renwald: Bald Eagle
David Renwald: Lewis' Woodpecker
billoddie3: Gannet, Morus Bassanus
ricketdi: Hoffmann's Woodpecker / Pic de Hoffmann ( Richard )
peterspencer49: Blue Tit
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Snowy Egret
billoddie3: Gannet, Morus Bassanus
MarcinNar: Night View
wdeck: _DSC8914d25u Graureiher
peterspencer49: Kingfisher (f)
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Roseate Spoonbill
David Renwald: Pygmy Nuthatch
ricketdi: Scarlet-rumped Tanager /Tangara à croupion rouge ( Diane )
Wayne~Chadwick: Sandhill Cranes - in step
FlorentMartin_: Massif du Mont Blanc
Dr. Farnsworth: All Fluffed Out . . .
David Renwald: Green-winged Teal
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Great Blue Heron
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Schalow's Turaco
Zur@imiAbro@d: The Solace of Isolation
billoddie3: Puffin, Fratercula Arctica
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Great Egret
Wayne~Chadwick: Sandhill cranes waiting for sunrise
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Great Blue Heron with Siren