panda1.grafix: Ha My Beach 06
Avventurista: Spring
bentleathercm: photo(38)
panda1.grafix: wave practice Vietnam
dattner reuven: chrysanthemums under a bare tree
panda1.grafix: Hoi An Vitenam
bowhunterswife: Camellia Yuletide
Pascal Brault: Pascal Brault - Zea mays 2014
MadeleineSchineis: An impression of the flowers on my table. It's like spring outside, strange it will be Christmas in a few days.
ciuccio51: Auguro a tutti nel 2015 tanti giorni felici quanti i semi in un melograno. I wish everyone in 2015 as many happy days as many seeds in a pomegranate. Ich wuensche jedem so viel gute Tage im 2015, wie die Samen im Granatapfel.
chino_yasuhiko: Spaghetti squash, 錦糸瓜 001
CoffeeWoman: IMG_0276
CoffeeWoman: Mother of Millions - Carrboro Farmers' Market
CoffeeWoman: IMG_3624 Argiope amid Butterfly Pea (?) and a mint relative
CoffeeWoman: Argiope, NC Botanical Garden
CoffeeWoman: Giant Spiny Stick from New Guinea
CoffeeWoman: Erratum: IMGP6728 Black Walnut (NOT Pawpaw), about to leaf
CoffeeWoman: Erratum: This is a Black Walnut, not a Pawpaw as I originally stated. Am I ever embarrassed! Page 2 with leaf scan.
Kathy Mereand: Speckled Duckling, by Kat Mereand
apple-pine: March 2014: Iris
masha kirikova: eagle owl's love
apple-pine: March 2014: Magnolia
MagaMerlina: Solanum quitoense. Lulo
ciuccio51: Rosa canina.
Nu Scot: A12
lorenzo dotti: Ophrys funerea
Lizzie Abelson: Astraeus no.6
Lizzie Abelson: Astraeus no.5
Lizzie Abelson: Astraeus no.3