WOWDesign: Look what I found in the roof space! My first MAC. A Tangerine iMac giving to me by a company I worked for, Brazil. 😃🇹🇻
WOWDesign: A common newt Karen found hiding between a compost bag 😃
WOWDesign: Does anyone know what these are? We found two of them flying around on the patio. They look like flying ants, but orange.
WOWDesign: We're walking in the air... fun in the snow building the cutest snowman ever! 😉
WOWDesign: He may not be big, but c'mon, he's the cutest snowman you've ever seen! 😃
WOWDesign: "My" birthday celebration... I think lol! Well it is really, I love seeing little G smiling and enjoying himself. There's no better way to spend your birthday, than with your family.
WOWDesign: Me and the cheeky monkey that jumped on to my shoulders 😃
WOWDesign: Another day out and another painted face! 😃
WOWDesign: Spider-Man, having just descended a wall of doom... OK, an inflatable slide 😃
WOWDesign: Gethin - sorry - Spider-Man and a Corn Snake called Ladder. Cool dude! 😄
WOWDesign: The two reasons why I'm the luckiest man alive! 😍
WOWDesign: My little pirate, who told me I had to dress up as a parrot today too!
WOWDesign: I really do think our boy will be a farmer. Everything stops for animals on Country File 😃
WOWDesign: The most beautiful defibrillator, Christmas tree, telephone box combo in the known universe!
WOWDesign: Our finished family tree. How exciting!
WOWDesign: Got some new lights for the tree. Can't wait for Gethin & Kaz to come home to decorate the tree and house! Crimbo music is on already 😃
WOWDesign: Our handsome boy is a reindeer at nursery! Here he is trying his outfit on. For a boy who doesn't like people dressed up, he did well trying this on. Proud parents 😃
WOWDesign: Red sky in the morning and all that! Hucknall sunrise 😃
WOWDesign: Little G looking angelic, having a cwtch in Liege train station with his mummy 😇 ❤️ x
WOWDesign: Gethin's first trip to London, with his new Freddie Fire Engine suitcase 😃
WOWDesign: Day out to Sherwood Pines
WOWDesign: After we put a stamp on an envelope, to send to Gethin's Gran & Granda containing a picture he made, he came out to the kitchen later to proudly show me the one on the crown, that he also made! Lol
WOWDesign: My beautiful Goddaughter, sharing a box of Krispy Kremes in the Diff.
WOWDesign: Little dude in his PJs, off to nursery for a charity day. x
WOWDesign: Me and Gethin on the Sir Walter Scott Steam Boat travelling along Loch Katrine :)
WOWDesign: Instagram experiment #2, macro shot of my alarm clock :)
WOWDesign: Experimenting with Instagram
WOWDesign: Gite in France
WOWDesign: Larry the lizard 2
WOWDesign: Larry the lizard 1