MelindaChan ^..^: Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹
Elodiie V: Couleurs d'hiver (3)
anwarsiak***sibuk***: Sore di sawah
cskong9932: DSC_6356
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Puya hamata, Bromeliaceae
Kapaliadiyar: Tripura Samharam and Ravana Anugrahamurthy.
Susan Hall Frazier: Side by Side
Bill Varney: Male Elk, Great Smokey Mountains
fiftymm99: Masjid Sultan Mosque
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 20141102DSC_7938_合歡山
Pantchoa: Ghent : Post Plaza Shopping Center / Korenmarkt
frans63: Herfst
Nick Dean1: Geometridae sp Lake Manyara Tanzania.
tomzcafe: it is going to be sunny day
Cristian Arghius: Autumn beetle - VI
Yukio.s: しののめ Raging waters
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Stag Beetle (Neolucanus cf. swinhoei, Lucanidae), female
Marcos Simanovic: Borboleta em Campos do Jordão - Brasil - Marcos Simanovic
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good: Sundown in Banff Alberta's Mountain!
MikoFox: High Above Fox Lake
awan zaky: old tomb
krsnakreasi: Sunset
Hank888: Ngarai Sianok - Sianok Canyon
Kim's Pics :): My coat is perfectly suited for the fall colors :)
Roxanne.jth: Physeter macrocephalus