scanfers: Trieste Silos @ end of Balkan Route
Jose Morales: Light Lens Lab 35/2 Summicron Replica
Cláudio Gentil: "Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel" Cláudio Gentil
Painting with Delight: blind leading the blind
Summi5cm: IMGP3336
Martin Sercombe: Shadow Stories 36
Tihomir Vitanov: Central Balkan, Splendid Nature... B&W
Eric Böhm: New York 1998
Terry_Lai: SDIM0758C
Terry_Lai: Some abandoned...
Terry_Lai: under conduction
Terry_Lai: Under the sun
Terry_Lai: abandoned...
Terry_Lai: On the Road
Terry_Lai: 魚檔
Terry_Lai: 東莞水泥廠
Terry_Lai: 東莞水泥廠
Errol_S: Candy Or Shoes?
Errol_S: Snake
cktse: the first morning rays shining through 尾瀬ヶ原
soyokazeojisan: DSC03209S urban space
willsdad48: Vermont Autumn
里卡豆: 千櫻園|TAIWAN