[¯Ô¯] Andy C: Neighborhood watch.
michael griffey: IMG_4930 (bts)
Nacho Valo: Out of Blue
KAMorin: Purple Yurple...
Monkey Balls: Holding on
Scottish Nomad: Fleeting Moments
Phillip Chitwood: Nina Jade
CPLandArch: Hand rest ~ The Guardian
Villi.Ingi: solitude
tvchicklet: Daddy Played Bass
motleypixel: Tropical Lily Bloom, Zilker Botanical Gardens, Austin, TX, set 10-14-08
Scottish Nomad: Welcome Water
KAMorin: Sunny Blue Sky...
Phillip Chitwood: Goodnight from England
jmumma: Curling my toes.
juguetta: hoja
Jennifer Soltren: { Sugar and Spice }
grace_photography: ..ducks don't mind this weather ..