Adriano_2 on/off:
Erilda sognante - dreaming Erilda
JimP (in Sarnia):
Iceland - Early Morning at Thingvellir - Landscape
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Olive Vendor
Robert Stienstra Photography:
Sunset walhalla
Peru Railway
Steven Godwin:
Royal Scott 46115 Scots Guardsman
Partage de Lumières:
Port de Sauzon
thanks 4 comments and faves.:
storm warning..sunshine coast..explored
Very Important Photo:
NYC Financial District
Aperture111-Thanks for over 12 Million views:
Blick auf das Vinschgau, im Vordergrund: Schleis (italienisch: Clusio)
Foggy Morning Before The Snow
Picture post.:
Dappled Sunlight.
JimP (in Sarnia):
Iceland - Godafoss Waterfall
I Q U [mostly off]:
Paul McGoveran:
2646 Lunch on the fly
Mark L Edwards:
Three Trees St Michael's Mead
Lost Runes:
The sky is my desire
averse au loin
Ron Scubadiver's Wild Life:
5 Windows and a Door
GSB Photography:
Baking in the Sun