Wok The Rock:
Wok The Rock:
Tiang favorit perokok
Wok The Rock:
Anak kos @maryantobeb tepar dihajar #rijksakademieopenstudio dan #madeincommons
Wok The Rock:
Rabu's debut album is released now on Yes No Wave Music. Grab it for free only at http://www.yesnowave.com/yesno075
Wok The Rock:
@mrzwiers' sculpture
Wok The Rock:
Wok The Rock:
#eurotrash #wasted
Wok The Rock:
Wok The Rock:
@mrzwiers and his certificate in #madeincommons exhibition
Wok The Rock:
Dari ISI Sewon ke SMBA nonton pameran #madeincommons bisa naik bus ini.
Wok The Rock:
"Biography of Authenticity: The Artist's Signature" in #madeincommons. The show will be open on November 29th, 5pm at Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam, Rozenstraat 59 Amsterdam.
Wok The Rock:
Wok The Rock:
#wasted style
Wok The Rock:
Thanks to @mayumimanila @gabyiglesias and @maoibc !! #madeincommons
Wok The Rock:
Wok The Rock:
Wok The Rock:
Unduh single terbaru dari Rabu "Semayam" di http://www.soundcloud.com/yesnowave
Wok The Rock:
Jatiwangi Art Factory di #madeincommons. Sesama seniman sertifikat :D
Wok The Rock:
Kursi kawinan di toko antik bergaya hipster. Per kursi €99. #eurotrash
Wok The Rock:
#eurotrash jisamsu
Wok The Rock:
Wok The Rock:
Wok The Rock:
Wok The Rock:
Wok The Rock:
Sofie dan sertifikat karya kami bersama #madeincommons
Wok The Rock:
Tips efektif membuat foto pixel tanpa olah digital. Letakkan kaca bertekstur kotak2 di depan obyek.
Wok The Rock:
Kandang kesatrian seniman Amsterdam. Jadi inget karya TRANZIT di @jakartabiennale, seni dan militer beda tipis.
Wok The Rock:
Trims buat teman-teman yang turut meng-klaim karya saya "Biography of Authenticity: The Artist Signature". www.artistsignature.net #madeincommons
Wok The Rock:
Trash Squad di @jakartabiennale masih berlangsung hingga tanggal 30 November 2013. Foto oleh @ibenk trashsquad.tumblr.com
Wok The Rock:
Asongan Masuk Desa