S.fendley: Flowing traffic.
S.fendley: Bleak
Sean Craddock: Seagull: Guardian of Westminster
SuzanneWaters: I called him Pete
Taylor-Claiborne: Nick, Shawn, D, and Eric
t1lt: Pink mantis 2
t1lt: _MG_4973
Mark A Jones (Andreas Jones Photography): Elgol, Isle of Skye, Scotland
epoxy _: Street Art Berlin ("don't forget...")
Frantic Baz: No Public Flying
Fabe-DSI: Ssshhh...
gyunyubin: DSC_0100
Bart van Damme: SPOTTED #03
Henshin Cyborg: DSC_0057.JPG
*northern star°: he loves me/he loves me not.
Fabe-DSI: Sh!ter
Fabe-DSI: Dead!