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albums of The Watermill Center Summer Program
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Art and Science: Insights into Consciousness '10
Sue Jane Stoker Memorial
Rooftop Garden
Watermill Summer Program 2012
PETER SCHNEIDER Lecture Series: Plays well in the Sand Box with Others: Can the Creative Process be Defined? August 10, 2012 - 7:00pm
ROBERT ADAMS Lecture Series: Chroma[o]sapiens: The Apparatus of Euphoria August 2, 2012 - 6:30pm - 7:30pm
ALEX STAHL & PATRICIA CLEMENS Lecture Series: Breaking the {Sound} Barrier August 7, 2012 - 7:00pm
NOAH LURANG Lecture Series: Cultural Exploration of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea August 14, 2012 - 7:00pm
ERIC KJELLGREN Lecture Series: Embodied in Wood and Stone: Exploring the Indigenous Sculpture of Indonesia
Manchester International Festival '12
Brazil '12
Les Negrès '12
Lecture on Nothing '12
Museé du Louvre '12
Dom Perignon '12
L'incoronazione de Poppea '12
"Peter Pan" '12
"Circo Equestre Squeglia (Naples)" '12
"1914" (Karl Kraus) '12
"Tallinn Festival (Arvo Paert)" '12
"Das Madchen Mit Den Schwefelholzern" '12
Art and Science: Insights Into Consciousness '12
Discover Watermill Day '12 ©Lucie Jansch
"Big Bang" 2012 Annual Benefit Gala ©Lucie Jansch & Lovis Dengler Ostenrik
"Big Bang" 2012 Guests ©Lucie Jansch & Lovis Dengler
"Mike Kelley" 1954 -2012 A Tribute Exhibition ©Lucie Jansch
"Recalculate"- Marianna Kavallieratos
"Re-Set" Linsey Peisinger, Clo'e Floirat
"Hansel and Gretel" Anna Pawlak, Owen David and Minsun Park '12 © Lucie Jansch
"Series Noise Body" - Paula Garcia
"Circuitous Graze" - Janice Lancaster Larsen
"Slingshot" - Hanna Reidmar
"Endgame" - Kitty Huffman
"Memory Masters" - Masanao Hirayama
"Home Sweet Home" - Atopos CVC & Yoshikazu Yamagata
"Dog" - Misaki Kawai
"Sculptures" - Carol Ross
"Mass 2"- Desi Santiago
"Blow Me" - Atopos CVC & Manon Kudig
"Butt-Plug" - Paul McCarthy
"Blow It Up" - Heeran Lee
"The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black" - Kembra Pfahler
"When Trees Fall In The Forest" - Lucien Smith
"Competition" - Wang Qingsong
"Big Bubbles" - Misaki Kawai
"Big Bang" Benefit Blessing '12 ©Lucie Jansch
Benefit Production '12 ©Lucie Jansch
Benefit Set Up '12 ©Lucie Jansch
Long House Benefit (Honoring Robert Wilson) '12 @Lucie Jansch
Rehearsals '12 ©Lucie Jansch
Vistors '12 ©Lucie Jansch
Portraits '12 ©Lucie Jansch
Daily Activities '12 ©Lucie Jansch
Morning Meeting '12 ©Lucie Jansch
Gardening '12
Gardens '12 ©Lucie Jansch
Collection & Architecture '12
Paddle8 '11
"Shelter" '11
Summer Program '11 Daily Highlights
Art and Science: Insights into Consciousness '11
Open House: artists and installations '11
Discover Watermill: people '11
Highlights '11
Portraits & people
Workshops '11
Morning meeting '11
Rehearsals '11
Meetings '11
Grounds and gardens '11
"Voluptuous Panic" people '11
"Voluptuous Panic" Dinner & Auction '11
"Voluptuous Panic" artists, installations & performances '11
Set-up: "Voluptuous Panic" artists, installations & performances
Set-up: "Voluptuous Panic" preparations & rehearsals '11
Blueberries '11
Details '11