Maylee_Oh: Collabor88 May 2016
Apple Fall: AF Mid Century Charm
Apple Fall: Apple Fall Design A Planter Set
MortishaCassavetes: Enjoying a Nap
MortishaCassavetes: My New Gown
MortishaCassavetes: Fairy Life
Pieta Nowles: Royals
Strawberry Singh: Akeruka Valerie Bento Mesh Head
Kaelyn Elara: Skin Fair 2017: Lelutka's Cate bento meshhead & Lara Hurleys beautiful Rie applier ♥
Freezea: Annice Skin&Make-up Appliers@KUSTOM9
PhotoStudio Purple Cows: Miranda~The scent of hyacinths...
Strawberry Singh: Catwa Paul Basic Male Mesh Head
gwen.enchanted: Realm Presets
gwen.enchanted: “Welcome, welcome all ye, to my grand home in town! All things inside are grand and beautiful! Come inside and see!”
gwen.enchanted: “Yes, yes, I mean it! Call them all! All the people must hear me!”
gwen.enchanted: Soon, I come to the castle ruin, the one I’m not allowed to go into. “Giles! Giles, I shall address my people from atop the turret!”
gwen.enchanted: I’m giddy with my small rebellion, and my hummingbirds feel it, too. I think they like being red!
gwen.enchanted: A few yards away from the door, I change the dress to lavender purple, just to see if she’s still watching me.
gwen.enchanted: My mum is the meanest witch in the forest.
Lici Le: I Need A New Dress 2
Nina Becker: Miss Ane
Trinetty Skytower: Belleza Newness { Claudia } #5-9
Trinetty Skytower: Belleza Newness { Claudia } #0-4
MarjaLanguish: Make a Wishbox
Kidman Latte: Midsummer Night's Dream - Would you be my audience, dear?
novadestin: Adoness - Wishbox - Anyu