wise1177: candle light
wise1177: scratch and win
wise1177: half lit
wise1177: out of focus
wise1177: different view
wise1177: back
wise1177: back
wise1177: back
wise1177: un lit
wise1177: new power house
wise1177: Dr.Waheed
wise1177: waiting for Dr.Waheed
wise1177: Practice
wise1177: getting ready
wise1177: Beautiful swapms destroyed by human
wise1177: Beautiful swapms destroyed by human
wise1177: swamp @ N.Landhoo
wise1177: N.Landhoo
wise1177: Historical place @ N.Landhoo
wise1177: Historical place @ N.Landhoo
wise1177: Noonu Atoll
wise1177: Beautiful Beaches
wise1177: Maldives
wise1177: Blue sea, Beautiful islands
wise1177: Maldivian Islands
wise1177: Maldives
wise1177: Maldives
wise1177: Army Dragon Fly
wise1177: Get Ready for Flight