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albums of bootzrj2
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Esme April 2010
Esme Ryan Bootz--Age 1
Esme at 10 months
Esme at 11 months
Esme at 9 months
Esme at 8 months
Esme at 7 months
Grandma Turner visits her youth
Esme's Dedication
Jeremy & Becky wedding in Madison
Market in the spring
Philadelpha with Jeremy
Esme at 5 months
Becky's Bridal Shower
Deb's 50th birthday
Wisconsin Dells weekend
Esme's First Month
Esme at 1 month and Halloween
Esme at 2 months
Big Brothers Big Sisters: Starr Gloudemans
Christmas 2008
Esme finds her foot!
Millers' visit Christmas 2008
Thanksgiving 2008
Esme is 3 months old
Esme comes home!
Welcome Esme Ryan Bootz
Baby shower 6-14-08
Florida 2008
Starr and I visit the Greenville Zoo
Ross' birthday
Memorial Day 2007
At home with the folks!
Bob, Andy, Grandma birthday celebration
FVTC Middle School Counselors
Creative Caring Hearts
A lovely day in Germany with friends
Hochheim and Wiesbaden, Germany
Last precious moments in Poland
Krakow/Wawel Castle
Bierkenau and Auschwitz, Poland
Krakow, Poland
Ostrow Wielkopolski
Wroclaw, Poland
Hoccheim, Germany
Millers Visit Christmas 2008