WinterCreek Mosaics: #rosa#mosaicart #elephant
WinterCreek Mosaics: #olivebranch #peace #mosaic #bringonthesun #longlunches #workinprogress
WinterCreek Mosaics: #mosaicart #angel #milkyway #oyster #smalti #mosaic
WinterCreek Mosaics: Earthly Angel 2 #mosaicart #angel #naturalmaterials #oyster #smalti #gold
WinterCreek Mosaics: #mosaicart #parliament #australia artist Dannie Meller #gold #gliitter #furry #ears
WinterCreek Mosaics: Amphrotites Garland
WinterCreek Mosaics: Celts in the Great Southern Land
WinterCreek Mosaics: Celts in the Great Southern Land
WinterCreek Mosaics: Celts in the Great Southern Land
WinterCreek Mosaics: Golden Vine
WinterCreek Mosaics: Leitch_Sue_LaSerenessimaDetail1_60x60cm
WinterCreek Mosaics: Leitch_Sue_LaSerenessimaDetail_60x60cm
WinterCreek Mosaics: Leitch_Sue_LaSerenessimaDetail_60x60cm (2)
WinterCreek Mosaics: Leitch_Sue_LaSerenessima_60x60cm
WinterCreek Mosaics: White flowers
WinterCreek Mosaics: Quartet of Love
WinterCreek Mosaics: Quartet of Love Side View
WinterCreek Mosaics: the music while we worked
WinterCreek Mosaics: Bins of gold
WinterCreek Mosaics: art on the walls
WinterCreek Mosaics: Part of the selection of gold
WinterCreek Mosaics: Some of the other shades of gold
WinterCreek Mosaics: More shades of gold