.windowshopper.: Sculpting a brand was never an easy task. Here's wishing best to yours
.windowshopper.: conversations
.windowshopper.: Vent Out
.windowshopper.: visions contd..
.windowshopper.: A genius, A friend..
.windowshopper.: a fellow visitor
.windowshopper.: Patient Eyes
.windowshopper.: Yak to me!
.windowshopper.: Forests of Himachal Pradesh, India
.windowshopper.: what a life without friends!
.windowshopper.: Being shot at
.windowshopper.: Graphic Green
.windowshopper.: ...can i wag ma lil tail for ya?
.windowshopper.: Over the top
.windowshopper.: Random thoughts
.windowshopper.: The Paperwala
.windowshopper.: Nikkor 18mm @ ISO 4000 (100pct crop)
.windowshopper.: Dare to fly
.windowshopper.: TestShot - Nikkor 24mm 2.8
.windowshopper.: DFC Theme Shot March '09 - Fruits and Vegetables // "Color me red"
.windowshopper.: Test shot for 50mm 1.4 @ 2.8 on D700// Sri-Vinayak
.windowshopper.: On camera Flash test for D700// Papa-Ma
.windowshopper.: in-the-hands-of-faith
.windowshopper.: horizons await
.windowshopper.: Up n ..close