PhotoJoel: A boy's best friend is his Mother
PhotoJoel: Jack and his girlfriend, Kellery
PhotoJoel: My Kids--Pride weekend for sure!
PhotoJoel: Bob Bouys at work--
PhotoJoel: CheckOnMom
PhotoJoel: He made it! (was there ever any doubt?)
PhotoJoel: back row of the boatyard
PhotoJoel: Fingers Too Big (type too small)
PhotoJoel: Fox & C742
PhotoJoel: Valentine Visit--
PhotoJoel: Rushes are round...
PhotoJoel: pondTentFox
PhotoJoel: Porthole View?
PhotoJoel: Wordplay in lights...
PhotoJoel: Cruising in the Wake of the Jolly Roger--
PhotoJoel: It's all about the light...
PhotoJoel: tripod when the wake hits the dock--
PhotoJoel: Andrey meets the Gibson
PhotoJoel: pondReflections
PhotoJoel: roughchair
PhotoJoel: MahhChewss!
PhotoJoel: Fox Astern--
PhotoJoel: Coco and the famed Ninja Reverse Move--
PhotoJoel: No Shanty Boat, this.
PhotoJoel: Mystery fish--
PhotoJoel: "you make a better door than a window"
PhotoJoel: on second glance--
PhotoJoel: RCobb
PhotoJoel: KMC&JCD87