Dennis WahChan: 觀塘牛頭角道(花園大廈孔雀樓)1990年
Still.Loony: want to stay in this moment
Dennis WahChan: 黃大仙@1980's
KVNSO.: Sakura Night Out
KVNSO.: 小金井公園
政大: P4036518_1
Mr. Collection: 京都Kyoto_清水寺
Still.Loony: Field of Miracles
harao_: from you
Naruki Hashimoto: 秋桜日和
Dennis WahChan: 樂富聯合道與杏林街交界@1970's
harao_: gift
Dennis WahChan: 黃大仙彩虹道與沙田㘭道交界1961年
Flickr: Twitter Tuesday: Air
Waynele: 攝影師
TingandKao: 最珍貴的東西,眼睛看不到,心卻能感受到。 The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye, but felt by the heart.
harao_: 曖昧模糊
harao_: TURN
Dennis WahChan: 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道與波斯富街交界@1960's
Naruki Hashimoto: the beautiful scene