willsimon: opposites attract
willsimon: a spin in my chair
willsimon: an impromptu portait
willsimon: toesies
willsimon: cool air
willsimon: through the posts
willsimon: sun through the leaves
willsimon: into the orchard
willsimon: through the posts
willsimon: a home portrait
willsimon: into the orchard
willsimon: through the posts
willsimon: a wide shot
willsimon: obama
willsimon: through the posts
willsimon: door
willsimon: mushed
willsimon: mushed
willsimon: mushed
willsimon: tea pot
willsimon: curious dog
willsimon: tuxis
willsimon: lemons
willsimon: grass
willsimon: moog
willsimon: burned out window
willsimon: dried wall
willsimon: destroyed
willsimon: 3:33
willsimon: self portrait