Jim-B-1979: Coyote field
Jim-B-1979: Fox Squirrel
Jim-B-1979: Grizzly Bear
Jim-B-1979: Grizzly and cubs
Jim-B-1979: Raspberry and cub grizzly and cub
Jim-B-1979: Prairie Dog
Jim-B-1979: Bull Moose
Jim-B-1979: Grizzly Bear
Jim-B-1979: Grizzly and cub
Jim-B-1979: Grizzly and cub
Jim-B-1979: Grizzly and cub
Jim-B-1979: Grizzly and cub
Jim-B-1979: Grizzly Bear
Jim-B-1979: Grizzly Bear
Jim-B-1979: Grizzlies
Jim-B-1979: Grizzlies
Jim-B-1979: Grizzlies
Jim-B-1979: Trumpeter Swans
Jim-B-1979: Gray Wolf
Jim-B-1979: Gray Wolf
Jim-B-1979: Gray Wolf
Jim-B-1979: Bull Elk
Jim-B-1979: Coyote
Jim-B-1979: Coyote
Jim-B-1979: Black bear-YNP
Jim-B-1979: Bison-Lamar Valley
Jim-B-1979: Bison range
Jim-B-1979: Timber rattlesnake
Jim-B-1979: Timber rattlesnake
Jim-B-1979: Timber rattlesnake