Wildreturn: Short-eared Owl, the divine incomparable
Wildreturn: Short-eared Owl hunting on the riprap at Riverlands
Wildreturn: Short-eared Owl hunting on the riprap at Riverlands
Wildreturn: Short-eared Owl at Riverlands
Wildreturn: Snow Bunting at Riverlands
Wildreturn: Snow Bunting at Riverlands
Wildreturn: Snow Bunting at Riverlands
Wildreturn: Snow Bunting at Riverlands
Wildreturn: A Downy at dusk
Wildreturn: Pine Siskin joy!
Wildreturn: Horned Lark sweetness
Wildreturn: Spotted Towhee
Wildreturn: Eastern Towhee
Wildreturn: 4 Long-tailed Ducks at Riverlands
Wildreturn: Greater Yellowlegs at Riverlands in West Alton, Missouri
Wildreturn: Spotted Towees at Busch CA - Lake 8
Wildreturn: Northern Harrier calling
Wildreturn: Meadowlark
Wildreturn: SELF HELP TIP LEARNED FROM THE BIRDS: Only pound your head against a wall, well, er, tree, if you are a woodpecker.
Wildreturn: LeConte's Sparrows at Riverlands November 3, 2023
Wildreturn: LeConte's Sparrows at Riverlands November 3, 2023
Wildreturn: Summer Tanager spazzing out over too many insect choices
Wildreturn: Ruby-crowned Kinglets are fast little cuties
Wildreturn: Red-headed Woodpecker - first year
Wildreturn: Blue-headed Vireo resting a bit nervously
Wildreturn: Cooper's Hawk
Wildreturn: Cooper's Hawk
Wildreturn: Cooper's Hawk
Wildreturn: Red-headed Woodpecker
Wildreturn: Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Tower Grove Park - first year male, changing