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Best of Borneo Part One
Best of Borneo Part Two
For Skylight
Best of Borneo 2024
Best of the Malaysian Peninsula 2024
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Videos
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 1
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 2
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 3
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 4
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 5
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 6
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 7
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 8 (1)
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 9 (2)
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 10 (3)
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 11 (4)
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 12 (5)
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 13 (6)
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 14 (7)
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 15 (8)
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 16 (9)
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 17 (10)
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 18 (11)
Borneo & the Malaysian Peninsula 2024: Day 19
Moths of Missouri: Part I (Micropterigoidea - Cossidae Families, #0001 - 2700)
Moths of Missouri: Part II (Tortricidae, #2701 - 3863)
Moths of Missouri: Part III (Pre-Pyraloid through Crambidae Families, #4618 - 5509)
Moths of Missouri: Part IV (Pyralidae - Drepanoidea Families, #5510 - 6255)
Moths of Missouri: Part V (Geometridae, #6256 - 7648)
Moths of Missouri: Part VI (Epiplemidae - Lymantriidae Familes, #7649 - 8316)
Moths of Missouri: Part VII (Noctuidae: Herminiinae - Nolinae, #8322- 8998)
Moths of Missouri: Part VIII (Noctuidae: Acontiinae - Grotellini, #8999 - 11233)
Painted Bunting at Carondelet Park
Best of Colombia - 2024
Colombia, South America - Day 1 - Birding Trip - 2/28/2024
Colombia, South America - Day 2 - Birding Trip - 2/29/2024
Colombia, South America - Day 3 - Birding Trip - 3/1/2024
Colombia, South America - Day 4 - Birding Trip - 3/2/2024
Colombia, South America - Day 5 - Birding Trip - 3/3/2024
Colombia, South America - Day 6 - Birding Trip - 3/4/2024
Colombia, South America - Day 7 - Birding Trip - 3/5/2024
Colombia, South America - Day 8 - Birding Trip - 3/6/2024
Colombia, South America - Moths and other insects - 2024
Colombia, South America - Videos - Birding Trip 2024
Snow Bunting
Ruddy Turnstone at Riverlands
Chrissy's Drawings
Video - Birds
B.K. Leach
O'Fallon Rookery 2023: Part One
O'Fallon Rookery 2023: Part Two
Best of the O'Fallon Park Rookery
Backyard Mothing and Blacklighting 2022
O'Fallon Rookery
Ecuador: Photo Favorites from the East Andes
Ecuador: Photo Favorites from the West Andes
Ecuador Day 9: Cordillera Guacamayos--Sendero Jumandy
Ecuador Day 8: San Isidro Lodge Mothing 2/23/23
Ecuador Day 8: Wayra Reserve, Genoveva Mine, Curva Cocodrilo and Cabañas San Isidro
Ecuador Day 7: Cabañas San Isidro, La Brisa, Baeza and back to San Isidro
Ecuador Day 6: San Isidro Lodge Mothing 2/21/23
Ecuador Day 6: Guango Lodge, Reserva Ecológica Cayambe-Coca, Borja Road, and Cabañas San Isidro
Ecuador Day 5: Guango Lodge, Reserva Ecológica Cayambe-Coca & Laguna Papallacta
Ecuador Day 4 & 5: Guango Lodge Mothing
Ecuador Day 4/Part 2: Guango Lodge
Ecuador Day 4/Part 1: Reserva Antisana
Ecuador Day 3/Part 2: Oilbird Cave Area
Ecuador Day 3/Part 1: Amagusa Preserva
Ecuador Day 2/Part 4: Mindo Loma Bird Lodge
Ecuador Day 2/Part 3 - Jardin de las Mariposas
Ecuador Day 2/Part 2: Punto Ornitologica
Ecuador Day 2/Part 1: Mindo Loma Bird Lodge
Ecuador Day 1/Part 4 - Andean Cock-of-the-rock
Ecuador Day 1/Part 3 - Mirador Guaycapi
Ecuador Day 1/Part 2 - Balcon Tumpiki Reserve
Ecuador Day 1/Part 1: Maraksacha and Alambi Reserves, 2/16/23
Broad-billed Hummingbird
Book Two: White-throated Sparrow
Book Two: Savannah Sparrow
Book Two: California Towhee
Book Two: American Tree Sparrow
Book Two: Chipping Sparrow
Book Two: Fox Sparrow
Book Two: Song Sparrow
Book Two: Hepatic Tanager
Book Two: Rufous-crowned Sparrow
Book Two: Yellow-eyed Junco
Book Two: Indigo Bunting
Route 66 State Park - Moth Survey 6/30/2022
Route 66 State Park - Moth Survey 9/10/2021
Route 66 State Park - Moth Survey 9/17/2021
Carolina Chickadee
Rufous-crowned Sparrow
California Towhee
Pine Grosbeak
Pine Siskin
Scaly Breasted Munia
Shivering Pinion - Lithophane querquera
Tripudia rectangula
Varied Thrush
Brandt's Cormorant
Aplomado Falcon
Curve-billed Thrasher
Rufous-capped Warbler
Canyon Wren
Western Bluebird
Thayer's Gull/Iceland
Nuttall's Woodpecker
Eastern Whip-poor-will
Harlequin Duck
Western Gull
Black Oystercatcher
White-rumped Sandpiper
Black Turnstone
American Golden-Plover Dec. 3 - 4, 2022 at Clarence Cannon NWR
Cackling Geese at 370 Lakeside Park
Swallow-tailed Kite
Book Two: Final
Book Two: Brant
Book Two: Greater White-fronted Goose
Book Two: Long-tailed Duck
Book Two: American Wigeon
Book Two: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
Book Two: Harlequin Duck
Book Two: Mandarin Duck
Book Two: Cinnamon Teal
Book Two: Bufflehead
Book Two: Canvasback
Book Two: Ring-necked Duck
Book Two: Red-breasted Merganser (used a female in the first book)
Book Two: Surf Scoter
Book Two: Hooded Merganser
Book Two: Pied-billed Grebe
Book Two: Horned Grebe
Book Two: American White Pelican
Book Two: Brown Pelican
Book Two: Cattle Egret
Book Two: Great Egret
Book Two: Tricolored Heron
Book Two: Great Blue Heron
Book Two: Snowy Egret
Book Two: Little Blue Heron
Book Two: American Bittern
Book Two: Least Bittern
Book Two: Green Heron
Book Two: Black-crowned Night-Heron
Book Two: Roseate Spoonbill
Book Two: Black Vulture
Book Two: Turkey Vulture
Book Two: Osprey
Book Two: Bald Eagle
Book Two: Swallow-tailed Kite
Book Two: Red-shouldered Hawk
Book Two: Rough-legged Hawk
Book Two: Limpkin
Book Two: Sora
Book Two: American Coot
Book Two: Common Gallinule
Book Two: Virginia Rail
Book Two: Black-bellied Plover
Book Two: Snowy Plover
Book Two: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Book Two: Killdeer
Book Two: American Oystercatcher
Book Two: Black Oystercatcher
Book Two: American Avocet
Book Two: Solitary Sandpiper
Book Two: Willet
Book Two: Long-billed Curlew
Book Two: Marbled Godwit
Book Two: Hudsonian Godwit
Book Two: Black Turnstone
Book Two: Ruddy Turnstone
Book Two: Wandering Tattler and Surfbird
Book Two: Sanderling
Book Two: Pectoral Sandpiper
Book Two: Least Sandpiper
Book Two: White-rumped Sandpiper
Book Two: Dunlin
Book Two: Long-billed Dowitcher
Book Two: Wilson's Snipe
Book Two: Wilson's Phalarope
Book Two: Bonaparte's Gull
Book Two: Ring-billed Gull
Book Two: Western Gull
Book Two: Heermann's Gull
Book Two: Black Tern
Book Two: Royal Tern
Book Two: Least Tern
Book Two: Common Tern
Book Two: Forster's Tern
Book Two: Black Skimmer
Book Two: Long-tailed Jaeger
Book Two: Greater Roadrunner
Book Two: Doves
Book Two: Barred Owl
Book Two: Great Gray Owl
Book Two: Short-eared Owls
Book Two: Burrowing Owl
Book Two: Common Pauraque
Book Two: Eastern Whip-poor-will
Book Two: Common Nighthawk
Book Two: Hummingbirds
Book Two: Green Kingfisher
Book Two: Belted Kingfisher
Book Two: Acorn Woodpecker
Book Two: Golden-fronted Woodpecker
Book Two: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Book Two: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Book Two: Nuttall's Woodpecker
Book Two: Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Book Two: Arizona Woodpecker
Book Two: Downy Woodpecker
Book Two: Hairy
Book Two: Northern Flicker (used a photo in first book)
Book Two: Pileated Woodpecker
Book Two: Lewis's Woodpecker (see Ken's edit)
Book Two: Peregrine Falcon
Book Two: American Kestrel
Book Two: Black Phoebe
Book Two: Say's Phoebe
Book Two: Great Kiskadee
Book Two: Great Crested Flycatcher
Book Two: Eastern Wood-Pewee
Book Two: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Book Two: Eastern Kingbird (used in Book One)
Book Two: Western Kingbird (used a photo from 2017 for Book One)
Book Two: Shrike
Book Two: Yellow-throated Vireo
Book Two: White-eyed Vireo
Book Two: Blue-headed Vireo
Book Two: Red-eyed Vireo
Book Two: Philadelphia Vireo
Book Two: Warbling Vireo
Book Two: Steller's Jay
Book Two: Blue Jay
Book Two: Green Jay
Book Two: Horned Lark
Book Two: Swallows - cliff, tree, barn, rough-winged
Book Two: Boreal Chickadee
Book Two: Chickadee
Book Two: Titmice
Book Two: Tufted Titmouse
Book Two: Verdin
Book Two: Bushtit
Book Two: Red-breasted Nuthatch
Book Two: White-breasted Nuthatch
Book Two: Brown Creeper
Book Two: Carolina Wren
Book Two: Winter Wren
Book Two: Sedge Wren
Book Two: Marsh Wren
Book Two: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Book Two: Wrentit
Book Two: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Book Two: Golden-crowned Kinglet
Book Two: Eastern Bluebird
Book Two: Veery
Book Two: Wood Thrush
Book Two: Swainson's Thrush
Book Two: Hermit Thrush
Book Two: American Robin
Book Two: Varied Thrush
Book Two: Gray Catbird
Book Two: Brown Thrasher
Book Two: Northern Mockingbird
Book Two: American Pipit
Book Two: European Starling
Book Two: Cedar Waxwing
Book Two: Phainopepla
Book Two: Lapland Longspur
Book Two: Ovenbird
Book Two: Louisiana Waterthrush
Book Two: Northern Waterthrush
Book Two: Black-and-white Warbler
Book Two: Prothonotary
Book Two: Golden-winged Warbler
Book Two: Tennessee Warbler
Book Two: Nashville Warbler
Book Two: Mourning Warbler
Book Two: Common Yellowthroat
Book Two: Hooded Warbler
Book Two: American Redstart
Book Two: Cape May Warbler
Book Two: Magnolia Warbler
Book Two: Blackburnian Warbler
Book Two: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Book Two: Black-throated Blue Warbler
Book Two: Blackpoll
Book Two: Bay-breasted Warbler
Book Two: Blue-winged Warbler
Book Two: Prairie Warbler
Book Two: Yellow-throated Warbler
Book Two: Palm Warbler
Book Two: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Book Two: Townsend's Warbler
Book Two: Black-throated Green Warbler
Book Two: Wilson's Warbler
Book Two: Canada Warbler
Book Two: Black-throated Sparrow
Book Two: Lark Sparrow
Book Two: Scarlet Tanager
Book Two: Summer Tanager
Book Two: Northern Cardinal
Book Two: Dickcissel
Book Two: Blue Grosbeak
Book Two: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Book Two: Great-tailed Grackle
Book Two: Yellow-headed Blackbird
Book Two: Rusty Blackbird
Book Two: Bobolink
Book Two: Common Grackle
Book Two: Red-winged Blackbird
Book Two: Bronzed Cowbird
Book Two: Brown-headed Cowbird
Book Two: Western Meadowlark
Book Two: Audubon's Oriole
Book Two: Common Redpoll
Book Two: Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Book Two: Miscellaneous
Ma and Pa's - December 7, 2022
Bette's Feeder in Mr. Wonderful's backyard
Magnolia Warbler
Lawrence's and Brewster's Warblers
Andy - photos
Best of Bugs
Wandering Tattler
Brown-headed Cowbird
Krider's Red-tailed Hawk
Mothing at Forest Park near Kennedy Woods 8/3/14
Tower Grove Park - Spring migration 2022
Black-necked Stilts nesting and raising young
American Robin
Palm Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Heermann's Gull
Great Horned Mama and Babes
Harlan's Red-tailed Hawk (juvenile)
Krider's and Harlan's Red-tailed Hawks up Hwy 79
Castlewood State Park Moth Survey - July 8, 2021
Cottonwood Borer
Sabine's Gull at Riverlands 9/8/2021
Unidentified insects
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron at Forest Park on May 31, 2021
Celebrating the Wild: My Collage Play 2021 (dedicated to Noella Costabile)
Prairie Falcon at Riverlands - November 2020
Mississippi Kites: A Tale of Two Hungry Siblings
Eastern Wood-Pewee feeding young Brown-headed Cowbird they'd obviously raised
Mississippi Kite: Toenges Ave site
Mississippi Kite Eats a Bat for Lunch
Intimacy with a Bay-breasted Warbler
Great Egret Infidelity series
Texas 2019
Clay-colored Sparrow at Riverlands 2020
Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks series
St. Louis City Rookery - 2019
Rockwoods Reservation - Mothing 7/6/19
Rockwoods Reservation - Mothing 7/20/19
Don Robinson State Park - Moth Surveys
Don Robinson State Park - Moth Survey 9/1/18
Don Robinson State Park - Moth Survey 9/9/18
Don Robinson State Park - Moth Survey 5/5/19
Don Robinson State Park - Moth Survey 8/21/20
Don Robinson State Park - Moth Survey 9/3/21
Don Robinson State Park - Moth Survey 10/8/21
Don Robinson State Park - Moth Survey 10/12/21
Don Robinson State Park - Moth Survey 9/02/22
Don Robinson State Park - Moth Survey 9/30/22
Robertsville State Park - everything
Robertsville State Park Mothing 8/17/18
Robertsville State Park Mothing 8/25/18
Robertsville State Park Mothing 7/27/19
Robertsville State Park Mothing 6/12/21
Robertsville State Park Mothing 6/18/21
Hawn State Park: Moths
Hawn State Park: Everything But the Moths
Hawn State Park- Mothing 5/25/19
Hawn State Park- Mothing 5/31/19
Hawn State Park- Mothing 6/9/19
Hawn State Park- Mothing 6/22/19
Hawn State Park- Mothing 8/31/19
Hawn State Park- Mothing 9/18/2020
Hawn State Park- Mothing 9/26/2020
Hawn State Park & Pickle Springs
Adventuring with Ky
Mammals (aka Wildlife and Miscellaneous)
Lizards and Skinks
Frogs and Toads
Dragonflies and Damselflies
Flys, Lacewings, Katydids, Antlions, Crickets and Bees
Assassin Bugs and Assassin-like Bugs
Walking Sticks and the Like
Mantidflies and like-bugs
Beetles & Beetle-like Bugs
Stink Bugs
Weevils and Weevil-like bugs
Hoppers & Hopper-like Bugs
Bugs Miscellaneous/Unidentified
Larvae or Eggs
Short Birding Trip to the Seattle, Washington Area
CRSP Winter Bird Survey 2019
Mothing at Home 2018
CRSP: Moths (part I & II)
CRSP: Moths Part I (0003-7647)
CRSP: Moths Part II (7650 - 11177)
CRSP: Moths (UFOS)
CRSP - Non-moth Insects and relatives
Moths of Arizona: 2017
The Birds of Carondelet Park
Carondelet Park Birds, Butterflies & Other Living Things
Carondelet Park Tree Planting 10/27/18
Origami in Carondelet Park 7/7/18
San Diego Birds
Mothing at the Martin's - 2018 - non-moth bugs
Mothing at the Martin's - 2018: non-new moths
Mothing at the Martins - 2018 - New moths for us
Franklin's Gull - 1st Summer bird molting
Willmore Park Rusties
Sax-Zim Bog 2018
Great Gray Owl
The Short-eared Owls of Riverlands 2017-2018
Bill McClellan writes about MORSELS OF MISCHIEF for Father's Day - 6/15/08
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Red-necked Grebe at Riverlands Fall 2017
Little Blue Heron (juvenile)
Arizona 2017
Black Swan at Port Hudson Lake CA
BIRDS OF MISSOURI: First Book - Some of the photos used
Black-crested Titmouse
Rockwoods Reservation Climate Change Survey 1/22/17
Parasitic Jaeger
Harris's Sparrows with bi-colored bill
Northern Saw-whet Owl (near Edina, MO)
Surf Scoter at Riverlands 12/18/16
Trumpeter Swans at Riverlands 11/20/16
Turkey Vulture stalks, catches and eats live Garter Snake
American Pipit
Magnificent Flock of Franklin's Gulls at Thomas Hill 10/15/16
Sabine's Gull
Tower Grove Park: Fall Migration 9/10/16
Visiting Jill & the Martin's 2016 - Part I: Mothing (New Moths for Us)
Visiting Jill & the Martin's 2016 - Part II: Mothing and More Moths
Visiting Jill & the Martin's 2016 - Part III: Everything But the Moths
Mothing at Jennifer & Ramiro's Home - 6/5/16
Gray Copper butterfly (Lycaena dione)
Rainbows and other wonders
Missouri Botanical Garden Blacklighting (6/2/16)
Costa Rica: Insects (non-mariposas)
Costa Rica: Butterflies
Costa Rica: Mammals and Amphibians
Costa Rica: Favorite Moth Photos
Costa Rica: Moths
Costa Rica: Favorite Bird Photos
Costa Rica: Birds - 2/8/16 (Hotel Bougainvillea)
Costa Rica: Birds - 2/9/16 (Rancho Naturalista/Wayne Easely's)
Costa Rica: Birds - 2/10/16 (Rancho Naturalista)
Costa Rica: Birds - 2/11/16 (CATIE, Casa Turire/Laguna Angostura, and Rancho)
Costa Rica: Birds - 2/12/16 (Rancho and La Mina)
Costa Rica: Birds - 2/13/16 (Rancho and Cerro Silencio)
Costa Rica: Birds - 2/14/16 (Rancho Naturalista)
Costa Rica: Birds - 2/15/16 (Rancho Naturalista)
Rock Wren
CRSP - Mothing 9/14/18
CRSP - Mothing 8/4/18
CRSP - Mothing 9/16/17
CRSP - Mothing 7/8/17
CRSP - Mothing 6/25/16
CRSP - Mothing 6/18/16
CRSP - Mothing 6/4/16
CRSP - Mothing 10/21/15
CRSP - Mothing 10/7/15
CRSP - Mothing 8/30/15
CRSP - Mothing 8/24/15
CRSP - Mothing 8/15/15
CRSP - Mothing 8/1/2015
CRSP - Mothing 7/22/15
CRSP - Mothing 7/18/15
CRSP - Mothing 7/4/15
CRSP - Mothing 6/27/15
CRSP - Mothing 6/6/15
CRSP - Mothing 5/31/2015