Wildreturn: Mecidea - Narrow Stink Bug (ID thanks to Ashley Bradford)
Wildreturn: Mecidea - Narrow Stink Bug (ID thanks to Ashley Bradford)
Wildreturn: Mecidea - Narrow Stink Bug (ID thanks to Ashley Bradford)
Wildreturn: Insect
Wildreturn: Insects - hopper, stink bug?
Wildreturn: Elegant veneer moth hitchin' a ride to moth night on a stink bug
Wildreturn: Elegant veneer moth hitchin' a ride to moth night on a stink bug
Wildreturn: Mothing at the Martin's 2018 -
Wildreturn: Insects from Mothing event at CRSP 9/16/17
Wildreturn: Insects from Mothing event at CRSP 9/16/17
Wildreturn: stink bug
Wildreturn: 99999 Stink bug
Wildreturn: Stink Bug, possibly Dendrocoris humeralis
Wildreturn: Unidentified Insect
Wildreturn: Unidentified insect
Wildreturn: Stink bug of some kind?
Wildreturn: Two-spotted Stink Bug - Perillus bioculatus
Wildreturn: Green Stink Bug
Wildreturn: Insect - unidentified
Wildreturn: Stink bug - Our First Mothing Night!