wightwildlife: This is not a cool looking moth
wightwildlife: Cardinal preening his bright red feathers
wightwildlife: Little blue heron in black and white
wightwildlife: Jackrabbit munching prairie grass
wightwildlife: Mantidfly in black and white
wightwildlife: Scissor grinder on an iron bridge
wightwildlife: Barn swallow landing at the tippy top of a palo verde tree
wightwildlife: Yellowbird holding on as the wind blows
wightwildlife: Four-spotted pennant silhouetted by a sunrise reflecting off the lake.
wightwildlife: Stretch spider at sunrise
wightwildlife: Fox squirrel in our hackberry tree
wightwildlife: Plain-bellied water snake hidden in a mess of branches and reflections.
wightwildlife: Beautiful boisterous resh cicada
wightwildlife: Yellow warbler floof
wightwildlife: Lined orbweavers spin a pretty cool web
wightwildlife: Four-spotted mantidfly
wightwildlife: Fox squirrel working on a pecan
wightwildlife: Itsy bitsy peppered jumping spider