wildcelticrose: Elfaba is an aspiring filmmaker #ElfOnAShelfGoneBad
wildcelticrose: I guess you get hungry being in elf storage all year. #ElfOnAShelfGoneBad
wildcelticrose: She didn't waste any time getting reacquainted with sock monkey. It was a long , lonely season in elf storage. #ElfOnAShelfGoneBad
wildcelticrose: The dinos aren't happy with Elphaba interrupting the last day of #Dinovember #ElfOnAShelfGoneBad
wildcelticrose: The dinos chose to #OptOutside today for a play day at the beach. And yes, the water was very cold. #Dinovember
wildcelticrose: The Bad Kitties are not going to be happy when they see this! #Dinovember
wildcelticrose: The dinos are excited for the ukulele Christmas caroling... #Dinovember
wildcelticrose: Dinos get frustrated when during 5 person COVID restrictions for outdoor gatherings people won't say yes or no, stick to the plan & show up on time, so planning is easier, safe and in compliance. Please understand planning things is difficult and stressfu
wildcelticrose: Dinosaurs versus dinosaurs... #Dinovember
wildcelticrose: Cat naps are for cats, silly dinos. Greymalkin bailed and Her Royal Floofiness has murder in her eyes. #Dinovember
wildcelticrose: Bonfire loving dinos get by with a little help from their fire breathing friends. #dinovember
wildcelticrose: Apparantly, the dinos like leftover Halloween seafood. #Dinovember
wildcelticrose: Naughty dinos love buttercream. #Dinovember
wildcelticrose: The dinos aren't quite sure what to make of the frost. #dinovember
wildcelticrose: The dinos went for a hike at Point Defiance today #Dinovember
wildcelticrose: Dinovember Dance
wildcelticrose: Yet another stressful, sleepless night, the dinos decided that it would be best to attend the weekly morning meeting in the hot tub with a cuppa proper British tea. #Dinovember
wildcelticrose: The dinos are looking forward to safely distanced backyard gatherings this winter. #dinovember
wildcelticrose: The dinos know that taking a walk is a good way to manage stress. They also know that in this unprecedented time, we must be patient and wait for every vote to be counted. This was not unexpected. #dinovember #CountEveryVote #CountAllTheBallots #Every
wildcelticrose: They are watching the November rain fall and wondering what the next days/weeks hold for us in these unprecedented times. Their human caretaker will be avoiding social media today; (because it's toxic AF) email, text or phone is the way to go. Take care
wildcelticrose: The herbivores are gleaning what they can from the last of the summer tomatoes... #dinovember
wildcelticrose: I'm late getting dinovember photos shared out. How is it November already? #dinovember
wildcelticrose: Halloween Achievement Unkocked. I am the creepy house on the block (even in daylight) Just wait until it's fully haunted in Halloween night!I'm not sure what the father said, but he sure herded the kid away from the creepy house with the blood on the wi
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