Tuffy Robson: Ringed Plover.
Tim Melling: Tufted Tit-tyrant
GREENGRASS F1: Blue Tit 1c R3 EF300 2 8 LP crop
GREENGRASS F1: Long Tailed Tit !a R3 EF300 2 8 LP crop
Earl Reinink: Sun, shadows and bird..
clambert1000: Edgar le tannant
Glyn Sellors: Corncrake
Glyn Sellors: Black-throated Diver - Chris noticed this lovely Black-throated Diver feeding close to the shore of a large loch - it was totally oblivious as we watched it from the car window - SUPERB!
nickclaytonphotography66: Long-eared owl
Peter S2013: Waxwing
Peter S2013: Waxwing launching
Peter S2013: Blackbird
Peter S2013: Blackbird
Peter S2013: Waxwing
Peter S2013: Blackbird
Peter S2013: Blackbird
Peter S2013: Blackbird
Glyn Sellors: Drake Red-breasted Merganser
Glyn Sellors: Adult Mediterranean Gull
Glyn Sellors: Purple Sandpiper
Glyn Sellors: Purple Sandpiper
Glyn Sellors: Drake Northern Eider posturing to another drake
Glyn Sellors: Drake Northern Eiders - a bit of aggro
Glyn Sellors: Drake Northern Eider
Glyn Sellors: Drake Northern Eider
Glyn Sellors: Drake Goldeneye
Glyn Sellors: Drake and female Tufted Ducks
Glyn Sellors: Female Greater Scaup